WP Deals.

WordPress deals sent directly to your inbox.

Just deals, no WordPress news, no how I made 30K in a day nonsense (pfffff), just tasty deals on WordPress products.

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*I don’t spam, I freaking hate it. So there’s that.

Why subscribe to WP Deals?

It’s a big ask isn’t it? Asking you to sign up for yet another newsletter. You’ve probably subscribed to countless amounts, and don’t need the headache of another. I feel you, that’s why WP Deals is different. Here’s what you’ll get 👇

Here’s what you won’t get

I’m not in the habit of wasting your time, you want deals, nothing more nothing less. Here’s a look at what you won’t get on WP Deals. 👇

*Final reason to subscribe.

Every subscriber gets the chance to win a product in a prize draw!

*Probably should have led with this. You’ll enter a prize draw to win a product. Damn it, definitely should have led with that.

Want me in your inbox? 😊

Sign up today, get deals and automatic entry into a prize draw. Fancy.

*I really hate spam. So don’t expect any.